Ephemera is born from the fusion of two concepts: ephemeral — that means something that lasts for only a brief short time — and ephemeralization — a concept from Buckminster Fuller ­that is the underlying of doing more with less, both under a environmental and technological view, gave us the foundation of our

Our major influence isn’t just the environmentalist movement that emerged in the 60’s but their major influences such as The Whole Earth Catalog — a periodic publication that shared many thoughts and teachings that were useful for hippie and self-sustainable communes. Between those thoughts, we found that their major mentor was a visionary of that time: Buckminster Fuller — he spread the first perception of the limited resources of our own planet and exposed his views on how we should behave in order to reach an utopian society based on environmentalists consciousness.

We believe that “ephemeralization” —  doing more with less — should be a strong influence in young creative minds from today’s generation, the ecological benefit behind this concept might rescue us from the lack of this awareness in the past. With that in mind, our goal is to integrate that concept in thought, composition and execution of ideas in different areas, like in science, art, architecture or design.

Fuller thoughts relied on humans being part of a bigger system and everyone designs the path we are going through, relying on everyone a global change through sharing information and finding solutions to small problems that will make a difference in a bigger scale, with less resources possible — Designing everything with nothing is ours publication motto and expresses our outlook of contemporary society behavior.

This first issue focuses not only in this contemporary view of society but also on what history can taught us such as concepts and ideologies left from contracultural movements. By this time they emerged and became part of our consciousness. Is important to understand why it happened and how did they tried to change societies behavior against worldwide problems that were insignificant until someone told us it was not.
Under this way of thinking we built a magazine that pretends to approach these environmentalist teachings and concepts under different and specific topics that can turn us in a self-sufficiency innovators designers, such as Water Resources, Health and Sanitation, Agriculture, Construction, Home Improvement, Communications, Food Processing and Preservation and in Craft and Village industry.

Our aim is to inspire young minds of today to solve problems through a environmentalism design perspective and show them the multidisciplinary ways toward a main goal of a self-sustainable, technological advanced but also eco-friendly society. The purpose of this publication is to teach through real examples from former generations, the innovative, entrepreneur, and revolutionary power that our young generation of today have in their hands.

