Annalyn Markley's profile

Peachy Work in Progress

Personal Mindmap 
Aesthetic Concept Mood Board for Peachy
Vintage + Soft
Pattern Concept Mood Board for Peachy
Delicate + Minimalistic 
Type Concept Mood Board for Peachy
Textured + Retro
Sketches for "P" font
Inspired by some of the delicate scripts, others inspired by retro blocking
Peachy Typography Sketches 
I sketched out a lot of different styles to play around with the idea of what "Peachy" can look like. 
Peachy Typography Clean/Colored Sketches 
Adding color to my sketches really helped me get a sense of what typeface does and doesn't work for the mood I'm trying to set with this project. 
Pattern Designs
Some fun patterns I made for Peachy. 
Illustrator Pattern Color Tests
I took my design into Illustrator and made it into a true pattern. After I was satisfied with the shapes and placement, I messed around with different color variations. 
Typography Illustrator Tests
I really wanted to get a transparent, watercolor type feel with my typography and I found that putting color on a separate layer and shifting it made the effect I was looking for.
Peachy Work in Progress

Peachy Work in Progress
