
When Beagle was founded in 2016, we did so with the desire to experiment and learn. The only things set in stone were the name "Beagle" and our love for My Chemical Romance.

With a fantastic year of lessons learned under our belts, it's time to put our new knowledge into practice. In 2017, we learned (among other things) that:

A) It doesn't matter how we present ourselves, how pretentious we try to be with our aesthetic - we find & connect with clients through relationships we've already built. That's better marketing than the fanciest logo money can buy.

B) We have a very strong desire to play. With a new goal to not look at design in binary terms ("good" or "bad"), we're opening ourselves up to experimentation and a little ugliness. That means being brave and trying scary things like a color overload.

C) We're smartasses and that needs to come through in our visual identity.

While we're still culling through our notes from the year, we had a strong enough sense of where we wanted to go in 2018 to do a little branding refresh. We're excited to share our abridged Brand Manual here on Behance.


Beagle Studio Brand Guide

Beagle Studio Brand Guide

Bright & playful branding for Beagle Studio.
