Christopher Guishard 的个人资料

Ocean Sanctuary - Anguilla

Anguilla is Latin for Eel

This was one of the 5 pieces I was working on ( Crystal Emerald DragonCosmic Butterfly and Celestial Dome Monarch were the first, second and third respectively) for a magazine contest. I was actually hesitant about putting this one up for a few personal reasons in the beginning but with enough encouragement I decided to put it up.

To sum things up I can say that "The only 3 things that could limit your goals and imagination are your lack of skill, lack of commitment and most importantly fear".

I hope you enjoy it : )
The Full View of The Background
This was the pencil drawing.
I may just update the painting in the near future to match everything in the drawing.
 Sketch Concepts
Ocean Sanctuary - Anguilla

Ocean Sanctuary - Anguilla

Concept art for a deep sea creature.
