I have been traveling to search for a place which I can feel free and secure. But these journeys made me face fears, wickedness and future worries which threatened my future as an artist.

I  am using recycled materials and objects found in nature in my recent sculptures, which shows how temporary the things are. This installation invites the audience to a safe sheltered space.
‘Protector‘ series are realised as totems and as amulets, has multiple eyes arms tails mouths and has a mission to consume and conceal fears and to encapsulate an expression and as a protection against the evils of the world. In most cultures sculptures are invented to be a protector, this series opens a new gate to question how it was before in primitiveness.

Warm colors on the sharp pieces shows the power of these monster sculptures. Bright colors contrast with the forms to let us confront the negativity-positivity concept. This installation is trying to create a brand new world which doesn’t contain fears and evils.


Installation 2017
