STRP invited a research team of ArtCoDe students to respond to the STRP Biennale 2017 theme Society of the Senses.
The team embarked on several experiments and investigations questioning how one’s senses can be stimulated, challenged and ultimately pushed to allow one to sense the world in a different way.
When you walk along Strijp-S, an area in Eindhoven, you see a collection of different materials, textures and objects. These all form a part of the site’s physical history that has taken place and of a site that is still in transition. Is it possible to capture this change? Can we capture the detritus of events that have taken place on Strijp? Can we build an additional skin which acts as a collective memory or souvenir from the site?
This affixed skin could offer people an opportunity to collect memories from a route they embark on at Strijp.
We set out on a process of creating different “skins” which represent moments experienced on Strijp.
If left on site over time, these skins could possibly capture changes that aren’t always visible to the eye in one moment.

