The USS INTREPID is a WW ll aircraft carrier located in Manhattan. The background is the former airport Berlin-Tempelhof. In 1948/49 it was part of the Berlin Airlift, today it is a park everybody can visit, the INTREPID serves as a museum.  
The guys standing on deck and in front of the ship are done with Adobe FUSE. It´s an amazing piece of software that enables everybody, even users without any 3D knowledge, to  build and rig 3D characters. Love that thing a lot! 
The parts of the runway that are broken apart by the power of the carrier are build as a mockup in the studio. all the little pieces are built of clay. I tried to find the same perspective that I used for taking the photograph of the ship, then I masked the photograph of the mockup and blended it into the runway shot. 
Cold War


Cold War
