Przemyslaw Plutas profil

US Election 2012 Interactive

US Election iPad App
Bespoke in-house developed iPad app to control real-time interactive 3D graphics in the newswall used by Sky News' Martin Stanford and Katie Stallard during US Election coverage and '50 States: 50 Voices' show.

The main challenge was to developed an easy to use, responsive, flexible and completely non-linear control system for the presenters that would be capable of aggregating multiple realtime data feeds from a different sources accompanied by live push notifications of the latest events.

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US Election Interactive Wall
Sky News' Martin Stanford is looking at the early US Election results using a complete non-linear control system through in-house developed bespoke iPad app which allows great flexibility for an up to the minute coverage.
US Election 2012 Interactive

US Election 2012 Interactive

US Election Interactive


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