The challenge was to create a poster using only typography to convey the message of the selected word. 
The Thought Process:

I wanted to create a piece that would not only represent the word but also make the audience feel the word. I wanted the viewer's brain to be disrupted when looking at the poster.

I initially tried slicing the word in half but while the form of the letters was disrupted the piece was not jarring enough. I then thought about the static shown on a TV when the signal would get disrupted and the loud sound that it would make. While this was on the right track the design still felt muted and did not clearly project that loud, sharp sound that would occur with a lost signal. 
Final Design Choices:
The font Nervous was chosen and represents static in its simplest form by just using lines. I was particularly drawn to it because of the optical illusion it plays with the eyes by making your lens adjust to focus. Depending on the distance it is viewed from it appears to have movement.

The colors black and yellow were used because they are the most jarring and attention-grabbing and also cause eye strain because of the contrast. In nature black and yellow usually represents danger and in society, it is representative of guerrilla warfare which disrupts people's lives.   

I created an uneven and skewed background color pattern with sharp angles and tilted the font to create a sense of unbalanced chaos that appears to be in a downward spiral to further enhance the message of disruption.


A typography only poster that is meant to evoke the feeling of the word it represents
