Project: Instructional Video
Client: Mind, Belly & Soul

Project Description and Goal: The goal of this video is intended to entice future students to explore middle eastern dance by relating the dance to pop star Shakira.

Intended Audience: Females & males - 12 & up
Final cut video for the instruction.
Opening slide for the video
Learning objective: After viewing the video, the learner should be able to practice and apply dance moves to middle eastern and pop music.

About the Instructional Video - Creation Process
This is the first video of a series for the creation of a social media push. The design process began with a selection of music and moves to put in a 3-minute video. The goal was to keep the amount of information in each video in chunks to retain the learners attention. The script was written so that there were 3 specific moves that the learner would learn. A storyboard was created to provide direction for the video shoot.

Full video storyboard - Shows initial shots, lighting and script.
Storyboard highlight 1
Storyboard highlight 2
Each segment then videotaped and footage was produced to create an engaging video. The video was assembled for final production and edited into a rough cut, intermediate and final cut video. During the process pf editing additional footage was shot to include more camera angles. The final editing included copywriting edits for timing and addition of music.
iMovie edits showing video editing
Garageband file showing audio edits
Roles: Storyboarding, copywriting, videography, narration, demonstration. and editing.
Instructional Video

Instructional Video
