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Interactive Quiz & Coding

Project: Interactive Quiz
Great Lakes of Europa

Project overview: This assessment quiz was created based on information learned in Nasa's Sciencecast video, "The Great Lakes of Europa". The video was used as a learning object.

Intended Audience: High school students
Three measurable outcomes were developed from the video object and traditional and authentic assessments were created. The assessment questions along with public domain images from the NASA website were then utilized to generate the information for the quiz. Rapid prototyping was used to populate the final quiz. The interactive quiz was created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JavaScript Online Notation (JSON), and Angular. The quiz was designed in mobile and desktop formats.
Interactive quiz in action
Interactive quiz mobile device screen - welcome page and coding
Interactive quiz mobile device screen - question page and coding
Interactive quiz mobile device screen - answer page and coding
Interactive quiz mobile device screen - results page and coding
Interactive quiz desktop screen - welcome page and coding
Interactive quiz desktop screen - answer page and coding
Interactive quiz desktop screen - answer page and coding

Measurable learning outcomes:

As a result of students watching the video “The Great lakes of Europa", the students should be able to understand and compare the surface of Europa to the surface of Earth.

After watching the video, students should be able to classify ice patterns of the surface of Europa.

After watching the video, students should be able to explain the importance of the ice shelves on the moon Europa.
Interactive Quiz & Coding

Interactive Quiz & Coding
