K Nicholson sin profil

An illustrated short story that asks the big questions

A short story inspired by cartoons and popular culture

"Where do zombies come from?" is tongue-in-cheek, and inverts some of the conventions of children's books to make a cute but grotesque book about zombies. I wrote and illustrated this book.

I looked at Ren and Stimpy, as well as The Road Runner Show to develop the colour palette and style. I used colour pencil and acrylic paints to create the illustrations. I wrote the story myself.

I wanted a completely surreal and psychedelic looking world for this story to take place in. Reg Mombassa's illustrations of bizarre landscapes and creatures are also an inspiration to me.
The girl in the story is based on a friend of mine, who works as an artist and likes zombies. She has two pet chihuahuas. 

The Acme box is a reference to Road Runner, and the bombs and weapons that Coyote used to try to catch the Road Runner.
The idea of being able to buy a palette of zombies from Costco or Wallmart is quite cute.

It can be quite nice to have a bit of relief - just a page with text. I think if i was to update this project I would redo the typography... perhaps hand-letter it.
An illustrated short story that asks the big questions

An illustrated short story that asks the big questions
