· D E S C R I P T I O N ·
Grupo Hotusa, in its nearly 30 years of history, has grown, evolved and strongly increased its presence in the international tourism sector. Its main hotel brand, Eurostars Hotels, has acquired more relevance and its corporate image needs to evolve according to its new characteristics. The strong competition, the visual noise in the environment and the need to reach the consumer in less time required a powerful and more actual image.

· P R O J E C T ·
We kept the essence of its iconic logo based on the Subirachs i Sitjar sculpture by simplifying some shapes and balancing the weights.
Typography and colours were changed to stronger ones (bold and darker): easier to see and read, with a more contemporary and dynamic appearance.
A decorative pattern was developed inspired by the geometries of the logo, which reinforces the presence of the brand in materials and decorative elements during the stay of the guest at the hotel.

Special thanks to all the design, marketing & human team that supported, worked & helped during the process.

Art direction | Branding | Signage

Pattern: Geometric shapes inspired by the Subirachs i Sitjar sculpture located at Grand Marina Hotel (the main hotel of Grupo Hotusa). It represents the brand's strong commitment to art & culture.

Annual Catalog: Gathers the information of all the hotels owned by the brand. It's the most important piece showed at Fitur to competitors and the public and was used to show the new brand image. Each Eurostars hotel room has a copy (Soft Cover+Pantone in 4* and Hard Cover+Gold Stamping in 5* and higher).

Stationery: These are some pieces you can find in common spaces and rooms. The number of colours and other details vary depending on the stars of each hotel.

Signage: Corporeal geometries in dark blue with information in gold, silver or white (depending on the category of the hotel).

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Eurostars Hotels

Eurostars Hotels

Rebrand of Eurostars Hotels.
