ChanYin millet wine

This product is made from natural millet in Northwest China. To make it different and more human we hand painted it to tell its tales. The paintings on the package tell the story of an old couple. They suffered terrible hunger from the drought and then a legendary bird gave them golden rice to eat. To show appreciation, they gave the golden rice to the world.
Traditions say that when praying, Chinese people tend to write blessings on fortune bags. For this reason, we write stories inside the boxes. We print them on local rice paper, which can be recycled and decomposed, and is more environment-friendly.

iF Design Awards 2017

ChanYin millet wine

ChanYin millet wine

凌云创意出品-禅音小米酒 iF Design Awards 2017 获奖作品 背景 陕西禅音酒业坐落于陕西米脂。米脂,古称银州,历来出产优质小米2016年6月,禅音酒业董事长孟士忠先生委托凌云创意为其产品进行全新打造。深圳六月已经酷暑难当,孟士忠先生60高龄却还亲自来我司考察,也着实让我 Läs mer
