
Memberoo aims to help high street businesses and their customers become best friends. Using the Memberoo app, small to medium sized businesses can have a mobile presence, learning more about who shops with them. And their loyal custotttmers can receive the special treatment they deserve. Memberoo is owned by Envolve Technology Limited, UK.
The Beginning

When we joined the Memberoo project it was already launched and live application. Our main goal was to improve the design and user experience of the product without the need of major changes in the app code and architecture. For this purpose three types of user personas were created that represent their major goals: (Discount hunter, Loyal customer, Adventurer).

I analyzed the whole user workflow through these three perspectives. I was looking for critical points in the app that could confuse or where the user might get stuck. While analyzing those points I was looking for a way to improve that journey by adding or removing, adjusting some of the existing functionality. In some cases the changes were planned for the incremental releases.


The Memberoo logo has two strong analogous colours that were perfect as an accent colours in the app itself - the blue colour for buttons and actions, green for important text, while keeping backgrounds white or a shade of grey.


Lato font family was chosen in a collaboration with the client and it was a perfect match for this product. Subtly rounded font really helped with conveying a friendly feel, while looking good in the headers or paragraphs of text - a perfect combination. Thank you to the font author Łukasz Dziedzic.


To add some goofiness and less serious feel “The Tickety” character was introduced for illustrations. The character not only helps with conveying the meaning but is very cute and makes user smile.



Memberoo aims to help high street businesses and their customers become best friends. Using the Memberoo app, small to medium sized businesses ca Read More
