Profil Lorenzo GalloProfil Jacopo William de Denaro

SUD EST OVEST NOORDA - Monograph about Bob Noorda

SUD EST OVEST NOORDA - A monograph about Bob Noorda
Print Design, Graphic & Web Design, Video Making

For the “Design Fundamentals” workshop at the first year of B.Sc. in Communication Design at Politecnico of Milan we were commissioned to create a monograph about the famous designer Bob Noorda who has worked at an incredible number of visual communication projects during his life defining the coordinated image of many brands. The theme of the monograph was his contribution to design in the context of mobility, transport and public infrastructure.


The structure of the monograph is divided into four sections, each focused on a single theme: from his incredible work for the subways in New York and Milan to the artistic direction of the Italian Touring Club.
Each section is introduced by a double page cover with a graphic that guides the reader through the monograph. Even within the section, this graphic setting is repeated so you can always understand where you are browsing through the pages.

On the inside of the cover there is a pocket with 10 printed photographs that make up the insert of the monograph entitled “Il volto dietro le cose” (”The face behind things”): a trip around Milan to discover the man behind the brands and signs visible in everyday life.

We also created a gadget: "Linea Noorda" ("Noorda Line"), a 7-card set of samples that through augmented reality leads the reader to come out around Milan to discover the traces of Bob Noorda.
For this set of samples we made a promotional spot.
The work was collected on a website.
In this website you can download the monograph and get the set of samples.
Emanuele Leonardi
Lorenzo Gallo
Nicolò Lorenzotti
Jacopo William de Denaro
SUD EST OVEST NOORDA - Monograph about Bob Noorda

SUD EST OVEST NOORDA - Monograph about Bob Noorda
