Brian Hildman 的个人资料

Shades of Love: Same-Sex Marriage Campaign

Poster triptych, painted in Photoshop CS4.  Printed 46" x 24"
Shades of Love: Same-Sex Marriage Campaign
Multimedia Design Senior Project
Shades of Love (SOL) is a same sex marriage campaign created to break down barriers of mis-information and outdated thinking related to the gay marriage debate. SOL recognizes that the LGBT population is "Shit Outta' Luck" when it comes to basic civil rights, due to being denied 1,150 basic civil rights which are granted to heterosexual couples.  SOL realizes that this creates a shift in power from those who do have those rights and those who do not. If you don't love and understand someone, you either ignore or hate them. This is why SOL is important, LGBT issues are not just going to disappear, and the conflicts they create are real and powerful. Same sex marriage is a high profile civil rights issue which encompasses long-held Christian values, closeted terrified teens, loving professional adults, and everything in between.

This project uses humor, and multiple media solutions (web site, social media, print, business cards) to reach its audience.  Imagery seen throughout this project include Bigotree and Equalitree, the key players in the debate.  You will not find a rainbow within my project, but you will find monochromatic shades of lavender.  Lavender was chosen because it is the combination of blue and pink, 2 colors commonly associated with gender in Western culture.
Poster Triptych painted with Adobe Photoshop CS4, printed 46"x24"
SOL 4 Panel Brochure which has facts and statements to back up the organization's message to its audience.
SOL Brochure inside page
Photo showing how the brochure creates a "campy" tent formation
SOL Screen Printed T-Shirts
SOL shot glasses and wine bottle, to show a way for it to sell merchandise to fundraise some money
Shades of Love: Same-Sex Marriage Campaign

Shades of Love: Same-Sex Marriage Campaign

My multimedia senior project at UW-Stout containing extensive research, multiple mediums, and a solution to the high profile civil rights case of 阅读更多内容
