Profil Ruby Dee

Interactive eLearning Module & Infographic

Create an interactive eLearning module that is based on the design of an infographic poster that is created to visually communicate information or create visual representation of complex ideas by applying visual design principles. 

Target Audience
High School Students

Purpose of Project
Informative interactive eLearning module

Learning Outcomes
• Apply visual design principles to the development of an infographic
• Demonstrate an understanding of visual communication theory
• Develop a functional interactive presentation using the principles of typography and layout design
• Craft effective instructional narration to accompany a visual presentation
Infographic Poster 
Image below: Infographic poster detailing renewable energy generation in different countries and the United States.​​​​​​​
Video below: Narration for the renewable energy infographic poster.
Interactive eLearning Module
Video below: Screen recording of the interactive module experience.
Images below: Exports of slides from the interactive eLearning module created using Keynote.
Image below: This slides allows the viewer to explore each renewable energy category. 
Images below: As the viewer clicks on a category, the map changes to highlight where the countries ranked on the top 5 are listed. 
Images below: Exports of slides from the interactive eLearning module created using Keynote.
Interactive eLearning Module & Infographic

Interactive eLearning Module & Infographic

Create an interactive eLearning module that is based on the design of an infographic poster that is created to visually communicate information o Další informace
