CHOPPED - The Project

SET UP MANAGER - Rufus Mwanyasi
am Nasong'o
MODELS - Alvin Anyumba, Jesse Mutakiwa, Maryanne Ndung'u

As part of my recent process of distilling the wisdom of the first-century Epicurean philosopher Philodemus of Gadara into reasonings that a modern person can approach and understand, I had the pleasure of reading the surviving fragments of On Choices and Avoidances. This got me thinking about how destiny is born in our heads.
Cooling the head is a frequent treatment for anger and hotheadedness in African wisdom traditions, and it’s believed that maintaining a cool head is crucial to having healthy relationships.
Regardless of the things that we inherit, our good character, our virtue and our wholesome beliefs can crown our heads with self-sufficiency and abiding pleasure.
We must know where we’re going in life and we must also have the criteria by which we can find our way. If we don’t have a north when we steer the boat of our destiny, we will get lost and confused in navigation, we will inevitably choose the wrong path.
Like the Yoruba say, the dog has four legs, but only one head and he can only choose to walk one path. A scattered head can not truly master its destiny. On the other hand, a focused head, a clear head that knows where it stands, who it is, where it is going, what really matters, what its values are, can clearly make its way in life with maturity, with a sober and lucid art of living. This full alignment between the head and the legs, and the entire being, is integrity and authenticity.


