Profil użytkownika „Media Partner”

Porcelana Bogucice: mission online

Porcelana Bogucice: mission online

Porcelana Bogucice is an almost one hundred year old brand that creates a favorite porcelain for many, not just Polish, tables. Some of the designs are traditional, elegant sets, perfect for a classic table. New collections are created with a fancy note, they use ambitious graphic designs of young Silesian designers. Bogucice Porcelain products are still sold almost exclusively to well-known customers and custom, in the showrooms in the largest Polish cities.

Agency challenge
Transfer of Porcelana Bogucice from the offline sphere to online and the opening of a new distribution channel - a modern online store.  The challenge is specific for a number of reasons, two most important are: the traditional approach to distribution and the conservative way of perceiving image and products. To break the scheme, we proposed "rewriting" the product again: a professional productive and lifestyle photo shoot and the right, cost-effective but multidimensional selection of sets for the online store.

Online promotion
Just after launching an online store, we will start promoting using AdWords with a strictly defined strategy to reach new target groups. 
Soon, beautiful Porcelana Bogucice will be in Polish and foreign homes. It deserves it.

Porcelana Bogucice: mission online

Porcelana Bogucice: mission online
