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Bourbon Microlot


Bourbon Microlot

Bourbon Specialty Coffees is a brazilian company which believes in the potential of different Brazilian coffee regions to go beyond the idea that Brazil is only a good base for blends, but that the country can offer diversity in profile, story and consistency.

Searching for the best coffee in  Brazil, a new project was born to establish a new way to think, trade and promote strong relationships in the coffee chain. Called The Microlot Project, its main goals involve new tests, new varieties, exotic methods and new developments to offer exquisite coffees with unique sensorial profiles.
A special team of experienced cuppers work in the fields to spot great lots, even the tiniest ones. They are 100% focused on lots with exemplary cupping profiles with interesting background (facts and producers stories). Since its launch in 2016, Bourbon now has two labs: one for Specialty Coffees and another that works exclusively with Microlots.
A new different service to meet and personalize the coffee experience in every detail.

Our challenge was to conciliate the traditional and artisanal positioning of the company to the highly technological project, which aims at a modern language where the public needs to see the care with the grains and the exclusivity of the preparation.
After analyzing the differences in behavior between Bourbon Specialty Coffees and the Microlot project, we sought the profile appropriate to the personality of both, with a related aesthetic between colors and symbols through a completely new approach.
The graphic applications, thought together with the Bourbon team, created the identity of the project and established the segment visual system.
The studio was also responsible for all materials created to communicate the project.

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Bourbon Microlot

Bourbon Microlot

Bourbon Specialty Coffees is a brazilian company which believes in the potential of different Brazilian coffee regions to go beyond the idea that Se mer
