Hannah Mills's profile

GS&F Internship Campaign

Part 1 of a social campaign seeking candidates for GS&F's Creative Department internship position. More to be added as it is completed. 

Simplified version of the ask: create a consistent tone and look to be carried across multiple media forms to recruit interns. It needs to be cohesive with the overall scope of GS&F's work and appeal to the intended audience (design students and their professors).

For this project I am working with a copywriter, but the concept and execution are mine.  
Below are a series of sketches and mockups documenting the development of the refined concept and execution. 
After those and several iterations not listed, the final poster is below. The handwriting is my own and I created the textures by hand as well. More pieces to follow. 
GS&F Internship Campaign

GS&F Internship Campaign
