Ian Simmondss profil

Amsad Architectural Associates

For the second brand identity option a vivid green was employed, with projects presented in black and white. Demonstration of how the new identity would work across various applications were shown, both digitally and print.
Demonstrating how the new logo and colour palette would work across printed material was important. The use of quality stock from GF Smith Paper was suggested to elevate the brand above its peers.
Visual references to items that could be found on site visits by Amsad Employees helped illustrate the logos visual impact.
During the brand definition phase, conversations were had around forms and as a result a 'wildcard' logo was also submitted. Comprised primarily of primative shapes, it explored form and shape to convey the name Amsad. Although not chosen, it formed a vital part of the design process.
Amsad Architectural Associates

Amsad Architectural Associates

Project type: Branding From our meetings it was clear this Jeddah based architectural practice designed the exceptional forming their company cu Læs mere
