Emilie Ragouet's profile

L'eau a-t-elle une mémoire ?

This book, "L'eau-a-t-elle une mémoire?" (Does water have a memory?), by Pascal Ragouet and edited by Raisons d'Agir, brings a sociological perspective on 
the controversy around Jacques Benveniste's theory. Through his experiences, 
he demonstrated that water could perform like a liquid support retaining molecular signals and starting a huge argument in the scientific field.  For the cover, this illustration conveys the mystery and poetry of this thesis, but also the unkown side of the process of scientific legitimation.
L'eau a-t-elle une mémoire ?

L'eau a-t-elle une mémoire ?

A cover illustration for the book of sociology "L'eau a-t-elle une mémoire ?"
