Hello all! Just want to share a few projects I did some time ago.
3d-visualisation, compositing and retouching for Toyota Russia
Some time ago I was envolved into creating some CGI images for Toyota official website in Russia.
I had a few tasks:

1. To Create rotating sequence for all complictations.
The idea was that when the user scrolls the site, the car's options change along with its position and color.
Here is full sequence look:
2. To do a few images that will show some car features.
3d-visualisation, compositing and retouching for Mazda Russia
MAZDA 6 "Katana Edition"
3d-visualisation, compositing and retouching for Mazda Russia
MAZDA Full range
3d-visualisation, compositing and retouching for Mazda Russia
Compositing and retouching for Opel Russia
Car rims was made in 3d
Old car, building and flags was made in 3d
Compositing and retouching for Subaru Russia
Compositing and retouching for Hyundai Russia
That's all :)
Thanks for watching,
hope you like it.
And stay tuned, some big cases coming soon.
Car Ads Compilation
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Car Ads Compilation

Car Ads Compilation

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