School year 4
Vehicle design
This two week workshop was all about vehicle desing. The first week was mostly about sketching. We had to draw five vehicles with three different views.
As you can see I'm not entirely done with sketching yet. I'm planning on finishing this in the couple next days.
In the second week we got a new assignment: we had to draw a vehicle, which meets at least one of the following requirements:
- It can fly;
- It carries a VIP;
- It has weapons;
- It can drive 500 km/h.

I decided to draw a plane in steampunk/old style, because I really like it. I started collecting other artworks in that style to gain inspiration:
I started drawing and immediately liked the first thing I tried:
The back of the plane is a bit short, because I placed the drawing a bit too much to the right of the page; it didn't fit. This will be fixed on the digital drawing.

This is my first WIP of the digital drawing:
The second WIP:
This is the finished line-art:
This is the airplane with base colors:
Vehicle design

Vehicle design
