Ciudad de México, México
15 - 16 August 2017
VERDE 3 x 10 x 10 m; ROSA 3 x 3 x 43 m

Invited to exhibit at TAG CDMX Festival, a celebration of creative thinking and technology in vibrant Mexico City, Penique offered two inflatables. The first was a green inflatable in the Sala CCB, the stage for many of the festivals performances.
The second inflatable, the main attraction from Penique productions and the entrance to the festival, was a forty meter long pink tunnel. Acting as a sensory “red carpet”, the tunnel was a creative welcome, stimulating imagination upon arrival at the festival through a kaleidoscope of light, colour and texture.
Finally, Penique delivered a lecture and Q&A detailing their 10-year touring career to-date and introduced the newest member of the collective, Enrique Barro.

Invitados a participar al TAG CDMX Festival, Penique productions presenta una pieza verde en la Sala CCB que acoge las siguientes intervenciones: la instalación de Intus, el DJ Set de Pana Li, la performance de Mal’akh Ensemble, el concierto de La Orquestra Vulgar, la performance del Colectivo Chipotle, proyección de cortos de animación del Cut Out Fest y el concierto de los Mexican Jihad; una pieza rosa que recibe a los visitantes del Festival, como si de una alfombra roja se tratara, y una conferencia en la que compartimos
la experiencia de nuestros diez años de carretera y presentamos al nuevo componente del equipo, Enrique Barro.

