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Boston Cappuccino

Boston: The Everyday Cappuccino
Just Design partners with Jumbo Brands to bring a new spin on the convenient, hot drink category.

Why should a cappuccino only be consumed as an occasional luxury? Just Design and Jumbo Brands worked together bring a new fresh perspective on the coffee category and the associations consumers may have with the cappuccino drinking occasion.

Whilst upgrading the packaging to reflect a lighter, more contemporary feel, the brand positioning was altered to get consumers to perceive Boston as the everyday, anytime cappuccino.

The challenge was to create packaging that visually communicated the premium quality of Boston products, whilst still ensuring consumers would consider Boston Cappuccino as being an everyday cappuccino.

We believe that this packaging upgrade will lead Boston to own their rightful place in the hot drink category. Join the everyday cappuccino revolution, and enjoy Boston Cappuccino, now in-store. 
Boston Cappuccino

Boston Cappuccino

Boston Cappuccino Upgrade
