Saint Agatha Wildcats
Mascot design and athletic identity system for St. Agatha School
Every sports mascot needs a certain amount of moxy, but a Catholic school mascot ought to exemplify traditional virtues. 
He needs to be formidable, but not a bully or thug.
Universal appeal is important to most sports mascots, but being an elementary school, we wanted to skew a bit to our youthful audience, so we kept to the anthropomorphic end of the scale.
We noticed a trend toward simplification and corporatized mascots. This was a trend we were willing to buck.

Early sketches: trying to establish personality
Early sketches: Integrating the wildcat character with the Alpha
Refined Sketches: These were shown to a sampling of students before finalizing the design.
Refined Character Drawings used as underlay for vector artwork.
The Saint Agatha "A" is a modernized Greek Alpha.
The letterform with the angled crossbar appeared on Catholic catacombs during the time of early Christian martyrs. The Greek "Alpha and Omega" was a common symbol for Jesus Christ, who was the "beginning and the end". 
A good Catholic school represents the beginning of the child's lifelong walk toward Christ.
Primary Logo — One-Color versions
variant of logo for use in school cafeteria


