Week 5:
(21.5 hrs)

Updated Splash Screen (0.5 hrs):
Added timed interaction to prevent fading to black screen for longer than expected when loading the main menu.

Updated Main Menu (2.5 hrs):
Added restrictions to UI when loading a level or exiting the game to prevent unexpected interactions and effects.
Fixed weird camera interactions when switching between menus and states.
Fixed text scaling.
Added frame sprite to UI window and altered position/scaling.
Fixed In Game UI (1 hr):
Added restriction to UI interaction when exiting level to prevent unexpected results, such as restarting the level or resuming gameplay. Added frame sprite to level completion window and altered position/scaling.
Optimised Project to improve load times (4.5 hrs):
Tested project and identified scripts causing the greatest delay.
Optimised scripts to reduce their impact on load times.
Investigated optimising audio files to improve performance.
Fixed errors with scripts and scenes as a result of script changes.
Tested game on tablet and fixed issues with gameplay mechanics that were altered.

Added Async loading (1 hr):
Changed the level loading script to use async to improve loading times.

Infinite Jump Bug (0.5 hrs):
Players could jump infinitely after standing on a drawn platform that has faded away. Fixed to prevent this occurring.

Tutorial Update (3.5 hrs):
Updated tutorial fade functionality to appear for a range and fade at a more appropriate rate. Created initial text sprites for tutorial. Implemented and tested the text in the tutorial. Added a tutorial manager to control the progression of the tutorial. Created tutorial trigger script to trigger the tutorial manager. Implemented triggers to activate character buttons.
Issue 1: Lock Character buttons during tutorial (1 hr):
Added functionality to the tutorial manager to disable and enable the buttons. Added grey scale shader to project. When disabled, the buttons appear in grey scale and cannot be used.
Issue 7: Level completion when all bleach are killed (0.5 hrs):
Level is completed when all bleach are killed rather than when all characters reach a point in the level.

Issue 13: Yellow can have powers displayed while moving (0.5 hrs):
Fixed how the current player and state change to prevent this occurring.

Issue 15: Can't add colour to platform in level 2:
Fixed during optimisation.

Issue 20: Smudge ladder increases speed too much (1 hr):
Altered the force applied to the player while on the ladder so speed is more constant and slower. Required testing and altering to achieve optimal speed.

Issue 27: Painting ability glitchy when moving fast (1 hr):
Fixed so user can draw at fast speeds.

Merging and fixing errors/conflicts (1.5 hrs)

Discord Meeting (1.5 hrs)

Blog (1 hr)
Week 5

Week 5

