Week 10:
(28 hrs)
Fixed Leaf Particles (1.5 hrs):

- Updated particle system to prevent bug with leaves clumping together. 
- Increased the variability of the leaves to make particles more natural.
- Implemented the particle system in the forest levels.
- Tested and altered the particle system in each level to ensure consistency between levels.
Fixed Cloud Particles (2 hrs):

- Updated particle system to fix bug with clouds not emitting and moving correctly.
- Created a second particle system to allow clouds to appear in the foreground and background, adding depth.
- Altered particle systems so foreground particles appear more opaque and travel across the screen faster than background particles.
- Created prefabs for both particle systems and implemented in cloud levels.
- Tested cloud particles were functioning in cloud levels.
Updated Bleach Particles (0.75 hr):

- Altered bleach particles to make particles appear smoother.
- Added particle systems to bleach prefab prevent manually adding prefab and updated prefab references.
- Tested particle systems to ensure they functioned correctly.
Fixed UI layer bugs (0.25 hrs):

- Fixed bug with bleach indicator appearing on top of the pause menu.
- Fixed bug with menu button appearing behind menu background in some levels.
Fixed landing/jumping particles and sound (2 hrs):

- Altered the method to detect when a character lands to prevent bugs with particles appearing inconsistently.
- Fixed bug with landing sound not occurring sometimes when player lands.
- Altered script so allow landing particles to occur whenever player lands rather than only after jumping.
- Altered sprites to ensure they are centered and aligned correctly with each other.
- Altered scripts so that prefabs were positioned correctly.
- Tested and adjusted particles for each player to suit.
Fixed Interface Manager Bug (0.5 hr):

- Added undo button to the interface manager to control its position.
- Altered scripts to alter the position of the undo button.
- Tested to ensure bugs were fixed on tablet and mobile.
Prepared build for publishing (0.25 hr):

- Altered build settings to be suitable for publishing.
- Added automatic bundle version code generator to ensure that recent versions are built correctly.
Reworked Draw Code (3 hrs):

- Altered how segments are generated to prevent bug with player moving too fast, causing drawing to stop.
- Segments are now smaller and are generated in multiples if needed to increase the smoothness of lines drawn.
- Fixed positioning and scale of drawings and colliders to better suit where the player has drawn.
- Fixed collider generation to prevent players getting caught between colliders.
- Fixed bug with drawing quickly out of range or the draw zone, causing and invisible collider to be created.
- Added drawing with mouse for testing purposes.
- Fixed draw particles to prevent bugs with playing at incorrect times/locations.
- Fixed bug with draw sound continuing after player has stopped drawing.
Added Ability Range Transition (2.5 hrs):

- Altered ability range sprites so all sprites are circular.
- Added and adjusted the sprite within Unity.
- Altered Ability Range script to allow the range to animate between being active and inactive.
- Altered scripts to function with the updated ability range script.
- Tested and adjusted scripts to improve the appearance and to suit the player animation.
- Fixed bug with ability range function when switching player while in ability mode.
Fixed Jump Animation (1.25 hrs):

- Added and altered jump animations to allow transition to land animation to occur at different stages for every character.
- Altered animation trigger scripts to allow the transitions to occur if the player has landed.
- Fixes bug with jump animation playing completely even if player didn't get off the ground (i.e. when jumping into roof).
Fixed Ability animation bugs (0.75 hrs):

- Added transitions from the exit ability animation to walk, jump and climb for every character.
- Fixes bug with player moving/jumping/climbing while exit ability animation plays.
- Tested animation transitions to ensure they correctly functioned.
Added Ladder Ability Cancel (0.75 hrs):

- Altered scripts to cancel ability mode if the player is climbing a ladder.
- Prevented player from switching to ability mode while chimbing.
- Tested that ability was cancelling correctly and preventing switching mode.
Fixed Character Spinner during tutorial (1.25 hrs):

- Reworked character switcher script to allow the player to spin in both directions at all times.
- Edited script to spin to the next available character if another character is locked.
- Added spin transition for when this occurs to match the normal spin transition.
- Fixed bugs with transition spinning in random direction.
- Edited the transition to stop bug with spin speed abruptly changing.
Altered Camera boundary script (1 hrs):

- Edited script and prefabs to simplify boundary input, and to function with new system.
- Added feature to determine the screen size and adjust the boundary to suit, preventing the camera going off screen on any device.
- Tested on multiple devices to ensure it was functional.
- Edited camera positioning on all levels to suit any display's camera boundary, preventing the camera jumping on start.
Fixed running cinematic from options (0.5 hrs):

- Edited scripts to detect when player has returned from the cinematic and watched it from the options menu.
- Starts the player at the options menu if player watched it from the options menu.
- Tested and fixed bug with the UI not appearing, and bug with manager script disabling the trigger before camera script starts preventing proper function.

Implemented Ladder Particles (3 hrs):

- Created ladder particle sprites for each unique platform segment to suit the platform size and prevent overlapping.
- Created particle system and prefabs for each platform segment and adjusted to suit.
- Edited the colour platform generation script to generate and adjust the particle system according to the size of the ladder.
- Altered floor smudge scripts to enable and disable the particle system when smudged.
- Scripted transition to particle system to match colour platform animation and blend the particle system.
- Tested and adjusted particle system to improve the appearance and to suit the intention.
- Fixed bugs with particles not changing colour correctly and timing issues.

Added Flip Controls In-Game (1.5 hrs):

- Reworked pause menu to include an options button where the resume button was previously.
- Options button takes player to options menu, pause button now toggles the pause menu.
- Altered scripts to suit the new system and added functions for the new buttons.
- Added function to detect on start if flip controls is active and set the appropriate values.
- Altered interface manager to allow switching back and forth between layouts, and to enable use in game.
- Created sprite for the back button.
- Tested and reordered layers to ensure correct positioning and prevent bugs with button.
Fixed Main Menu Camera Bug (0.25 hrs):

- Bug caused camera to jump if player holds a touch while pressing play.
- Added delay to prevent touching while camera moves to painting selection.
- Tested and adjusted timing to suit.
Created Basic Collectible (0.75 hr):

- Created a new prefab/script for a basic collectible that guides the player through levels.
- Removed coin tracking system from main menu scene and scripts.
- Removed unlock collectibles button from main menu.
- Altered script values to prevent tracking of nonexistent unique coin ids.
- Removed Unique coins from levels.
- Tested to ensure game was functional with the changes made.
Updated Levels (0.25 hrs):

- Altered the position and scale of the level buttons after removing 2 levels.
- Ensured game and build was functioning correctly after the level removal.
Updated Main Menu Sprites (1.5 hrs):

- Recreated the background sprites to clean and improve the appearance of the main menu.
- Implemented the new background sprites in Unity.
Implemented Walking Particles (1.25 hrs):

- Altered player scripts to include walk particles, and functions control the particles when walking.
- Altered each character script to set the walk particles in the correct location.
- Edited the animation trigger script to trigger the walk particles when a footstep occurs.
- Altered to walk particle systems so particles appear more suitable.
- Tested walk particles on each character and fixed bug with the positioning of each particle system.
Fixing QA Bugs (1.25 hrs):

Id 25: 
- After tutorial plays, cannot jump with either red or blue character.

Id 34:
- Attempting to draw with more than one finger can create long lines instantaneously
- Spamming undo while drawing, lines ignore min-range of ability.
- two-finger drawing can push character through terrain.

Id 35:
- Spamming undo while drawing grants infinite paint

Id 46:
- Changing to ability mode while gliding stops all characters jumping
- Changing to ability mode while gliding results in the yellow character always gliding while falling

Id 68:
- Bleach footsteps not audible

Id 69:
- Pause menu options button and menu sounds do not play

Id 74:
- In level 3, can pause, but not unpause.
Week 10

Week 10


Creative Fields