spec · ta · cle  (n.)  
1.  a visually striking performance or display.
2.  an organization of appearances that are simultaneously
     enticing, deceptive, distracting, and superficial.
3.  a society dominated by electronic media, consumption, and surveillance,
     reducing citizens to spectators by political neutralization.
Spectacle No.1 (War and Poverty)
Spectacle No.2 (Environmental Destruction)
The term 'poster' is not necessarily limited to print only.
By projecting them large-scale in unexpected public spaces, the posters are able to act and
behave as real spectacles as well as effectively call to attention the issues that they each address.
Media Spectacles

Media Spectacles

These posters demonstrate the phenomenon of spectacles: eye-catching and strangely attractive, it is a distraction from reality. Upon taking a cl Развернуть
