Life Wireless
Life Wireless is a new kind of fixed wireless internet that MeshTelco started in Glen Waverley atop the Ikon Apartments building outside of the train station. Only armed with a logo, I was tasked with creating a brand to separate Life Wireless from every other budding ISP out there. Inspired by the idea of a community internet that is free from the shackles of your traditional ISP, I drew a bunch of isometric illustrations to get away from the normal boring stock imagery and create a lasting impression. These images begun with rudimentary vectors sourced from Freepik to plan out each illustration and then heavily modified to suit our own style. The Glen Waverley Ikon image is very much draw from scratch, as Australia has its own style of trains and buses.
Above: Ikon Apartments, Glen Waverley. This illustration used this aerial shot as a basis
Below: Hero images for inner pages. Ordinary scenes were brought to life with bold colour, interesting small details, and a sense of action.
Above: Future sites were planned, and illustrations for Bell Street, Ringwood, and Knox were made in preparation. Other icons showing rooms for different industries were created using a variety of premade and self-drawn assets. For example, the restaurant scene did not have a kitchen before, and the clothes shop didn't have a man sitting bored on his mobile. The idea was to create lots of interesting small details to discover in each image made. 
Above: initial images to explain the concept of fixed wireless internet were made to pitch the idea at conferences like Internet in the Wild and ConnectHack.
The Life Wireless Website

This is the current iteration of the Life Wireless website, the homepage went through a few changes with the speed tester now being front and center. Plycode wrote the standalone speed test and I was responsible for adding a timer, making it cross browser compatible, and getting it to embed nicely on the page. I used the Google Maps API to create an address checker that pinpoints your house location versus the current installation location. I used a KML file that showed our guaranteed coverage area for potential customers to sign up immediately. View the website here.
Marketing Life Wireless
Landing page campaigns were created that targeted business, residential, and gaming customers. Ads were made to match and were deployed via social media.
Above: Our company didn't have a marketing department, so we started brainstorming ideas in house for ad campaigns that would separate us from the competition. I came up with the idea of showing different scenarios that people often relate to, such as free wifi generally being terrible or a huge net outage causing the office to go home early.
Above: Campaigns were made to relate to each type of customer, and home customers certainly have their share of gripes with the current state of Australia's internet. Most people can relate strongly to buffering issues on movie night or FaceTime call dropouts.
Above: As a gamer myself, there's plenty I can relate to with regard to terrible internet in Australia. It's basically a waste of time trying to play any competitive online game after 4pm weekdays due to sudden congestion after school, for example. Using my own gripes as a basis, I talked to other gamers and discovered things that also cause them distress with their connection.
Above & Below: A DL flyer promoting Life Wireless to Glen Waverley residents was designed to be handed out door-to-door, and for a mailbox drop to reach customers that may not spend a great deal of time on social media. These were designed to speak plainly about the possibilities of stable internet and directly promote our current offers.
Below: Magnet designs were made to hand out to customers when doing a door-to-door sales call.
Below: Vouchers were also designed as a part of a mail drop to entice customers to sign up on 24 month contracts by dropping the rather high setup cost.
Below: A more corporate business profile was created to pitch to large industry organisations such as SEMMA to explain who we are and what we do.
Life Wireless

Life Wireless

A large collection of website material and marketing collateral made for a brand new company called Life Wireless
