Profil appartenant à Wenting Ye

小鹿森林 Dear Forest - Branding & Packaging

项目背景  /  Background

小鹿森林是一家基于会员订阅制,专为2到6岁宝贝的家长提供个性化童装推荐服务的电商平台。通过专业的童装造型师团队以及人工智能系统,小鹿森林将根据宝贝的身材信息、风格偏好、个性需求,提供每年至少6次的童装推荐服务。每2个月,童装造型师会从当季新品中挑选6件个性穿搭,装进小衣盒顺丰包邮送货上门。 is an clothing subscription box catered to children between two to six years old. Their website collects basic information about children including height, weight, style preference when their parents signing up, then the service customizes a year of wardrobe for children based on AI algorithm and professional eyes of their own stylist team. They send 6 boxes each year, with 6 pieces handpicked from over 60 brands in each box.

品牌关键词  /  Keywords

定制 customizable / 数据驱动 data-driven / 科技感 tech / 精致 delicate / 高级感 premium

灵感来源  /  Inspiration

Logo 的灵感来源于「数据块」、「童年像素风游戏」以及「外婆手工针织的毛衣图案」。在尝试了许多设计风格后,这三个元素能够巧妙地融合在一起,同样的字形也可以有三种不同的解读。采用长体字的结构,在极具科技感的同时又不失精致感。

We want to show our audience that the professional service and algorithm are what differentiates us to our competitors. The inspirations are from data blocks, childhood video games, and grandma’s knitting patterns. The three ideas surprisingly work well with each other, so we merge them into one.

包装采用了飞机盒的形态,简单封口便可直接寄送,最大限度减少不必要的资源浪费。盒子整体延续了 logo 的风格,采用大小像素点的元素,拼色的设计也蕴含着多元化的意味。盒子上部 logo 和侧部文字皆使用烫金凹印处理。

We design the packaging as a aircraft box to let it stand out in a pile of brown paper boxes. We also work our best to eliminate any unnecessary waste of materials, such as foam stuffings. The design is extended from logo, using pixels to enhance the idea of AI.

Company Website:
Creative Director: Wenting Ye
Graphic Design & Photography: Wenting Ye
小鹿森林 Dear Forest - Branding & Packaging
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小鹿森林 Dear Forest - Branding & Packaging

小鹿森林是一家基于会员订阅制,专为2到6岁宝贝的家长提供个性化童装推荐服务的电商平台。通过专业的童装造型师团队以及人工智能系统,小鹿森林将根据宝贝的身材信息、风格偏好、个性需求,提供每年至少6次的童装推荐服务。每2个月,童装造型师会从当季新品中挑选6件个性穿搭,装进小衣盒顺丰包邮送货上门。 Lire la suite

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