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'Learning To...' RSA Brief 11 | 2017

'Learning To...' allows users to create a profile, like you would other platforms such as LinkedIn. From this profile you can store all your learning interests and material.
This App could be used in; 

Area of work
And More +

The 'Learning To...' app also communicates with an identification badge. This makes the user easy to identify at events and identify those who are interested in a similar subject. This works via a colour key system programed in the badge which can be calibrated through the app. 
This badge design is in BETA stage, now using the design to develop a working prototype using OLED displays & simple programing.  
'Learning To...' RSA Brief 11 | 2017

'Learning To...' RSA Brief 11 | 2017

RSA Brief 11 | 2017. An app design that encourages futher learning in the young generation, allowing them to store and learn via their profile. L Læs mere
