""Amanecer" begins just in that precise moment where, due to their split nature, all possible attitudes of all beings meet. In its most comprehensible phase, it tries to put the resources of the tragedy before our eyes. It aim to show the future, that ideal state of youth. On one hand intends to emphasise the positive aspects of the tensions produced as a result of the position of conflicts: the balance. On the other hand it attempts to achieve a diaphanus image where the free space prevails. The result of the two together creates a surface that is oblong but no deformed. We can nonetheless predict that situation of balance and strength, confronted to the abiding conflicts, will overtime suffer wear and will turn the image into a deforming mirror.

The truth is paradoxical, to the point of being the exact opposite of what it seems. Having thus equidistant balance between the conflicts: "Justice" conceals the profound truth of opposite, which is, to be exact, "Freedom". Under the masquerade of justice, remains the existence subject to its needs: it is rather a reduction of the limits within the fairest. A guarantee against the risk of servitude, not a willingness to take risks, without which is no freedom, thus developing fatal consequences in the course of existence. On the other the result of the one above the other bears the impression that a "curse" goes hand with this double alteration, which demands the consumption of luxuries, but also the rejection of  the luxurious dilapidation of the great buildings of glass and steel, where the houses of its victims are uniformly reflected in its facades.
In the instant in which the increase of wealth is greater than has ever existed, our eyes take the sense that it always had, in a way the "cursed part". There is thus neither balance nor equity, only representation. Nor are there free individuals, only their reflection in the windows of the big corporations. In order to no focus on the predator, we have to look to the sky. It is a darkened sunrise; it is not what is to come, it is already here.
 "Amanecer" is a dematerialised, objetual piece, as we will never be able to fully observe it. The incomplete comes from the recognition of certain limitations of the capacity of human knowledge, and assumption of this apparent shape defect, as method. But it can also assume the place of the art as a form of knowledge, like a pole to jump with above that emptiness that the incomplete leaves behind.




Creative Fields