Joyce Romeros profil

Flow Arts / A Series

flow arts

playful movement arts involving skill toys that are used to evoke the exploration of dynamic, flowing, and sequential movements. 

The leviwand (levitation wand, levitation stick, levistick, flow-wandTM) is a prop wherein the practitioner appears to control a seemingly floating stick as it moves in midair. It dates its origins from a magic trick called the “Dancing Cane”. It is a cleverly balanced stick with a thin, invisible string somewhere in the middle that is also attached to the magician. The magician appears to control the cane with his mind, the cane seemingly floating in mid-air, while making it dance to music.
Generally refers to manipulation of and artistic movement or dancing with a hoop (or hoops). Hoops can be made of metalwood, or plastic. Hooping combines technical moves and tricks with freestyle or technical dancing. Hooping can be practiced to or performed with music. In contrast to the classic toy hula hoop, modern hoopers use heavier and larger diameter hoops, and frequently rotate the hoop around parts of the body other than the waist, including the hips, chest, neck, shoulders, thighs, knees, arms, hands, thumbs, feet, and toes. The hoop can also be manipulated and rotated off the body as well. Modern hooping has been influenced by art forms such as rhythmic gymnasticship-hopfreestyle dancefire performancetwirlingpoi, and other dance and movement forms.
Flow Arts / A Series


Flow Arts / A Series

A series of illustrations about flow arts. Will update this space regularly.
