Profil appartenant à Yasmin Osman

WeltFormat | Swiss Poster Design Workshop

The 2 day workshop was held by Noël Leu and Johnson / Kingston (Ivan Weiss / Michael Kryenbühl). The 
students got to exercise their skills in creating digital collages based on strong concepts as well as handmade
typographic headlines. The participants were required to create a poster under the title Popular Problems
The poster discusses the housing problem in Cairo. There is a large gap between the mass population living in a 
dense, heavily trafficked Cairo and the amount of new compounds being built daily, out of reach to those masses.


My aim was to visually showcase the strong contrast between dense busy Cairo and the serenity of 
the new compounds being built at the outskirts of the city.

WeltFormat | Swiss Poster Design Workshop
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WeltFormat | Swiss Poster Design Workshop

The 2 day workshop was held by Noël Leu and Johnson / Kingston (Ivan Weiss / Michael Kryenbühl). The students got to exercise their skills in cre Lire la suite

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