Jonathan Whelan さんのプロファイル

The Noakes Foundation Brand Identiity

Jonathan Whelan Creative Consulting was commissioned by The Noakes Foundation, a Public Benefit Organisation in South Africa, to design their corporate brand identity.
Founded by Professor Tim Noakes, they aim to advance medical science's understanding of the benefits of a low-carb high-fat (LCHF) diet by providing evidence-based information on optimum nutrition. Their research is free from a commercial agenda.
The ‘spiral’ motif shows seeds in a circular motion. The seeds appear to be spreading from the centre outwards, but at the same time they also seem to gravitate towards themselves. This demonstrates the funding procedure and exchange of knowledge in The Noakes Foundation. The seeds are all centred around a negative star shape at the heart of the motif, which suggests the importance of gaps in human understanding. There will always be limits to what science can explain about the universe and human biology. They support the spiralling growth of new bodies of knowledge in this largely uncharted scientific domain.
The spiral is shown to be moving left to right giving us a feeling of momentum. The ‘sun’ shape that is created by the motif depicts prosperity and positive change. The typography has been composed to fit into a compact shape that emphasises the Noakes family name.
Primary logos shown as vertical and horizontal lock-ups
The logo component hierarchy grid
The Noakes Foundation Brand Identiity
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The Noakes Foundation Brand Identiity

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