Integrated tourism campaign

The Manneken Pis is a small bronze fountain sculpture situated in Brussels, Belgium. It was put in place in 1618, and since then has been stolen on quite a few occasions. Its playful nature allows tourists to participate with locals in the celebration of a treasured art piece.
However, the statue has gained so much buzz that it has plateaued in popularity.

So the question was, how could we re-introduce the Manneken Pis to new tourists visiting Brussels?

In order to generate buzz, a digital panel featuring the Manneken Pis was installed in the subways of Brussels. Equipped with sensors, the installation sensed the motion of passing commuters, and the head of the Mannekin Pis turned accordingly to face them, as if playfully taunting them for looking. The ambience was complete with the suggestive sound of tricking water that played in the background all along.
In order to generate buzz, a digital panel featuring the Manneken Pis was installed in the subways of Brussels. Equipped with sensors, the installation sensed the motion of passing commuters, and the head of the Mannekin Pis turned accordingly to face them, as if playfully taunting them for looking. The ambience was complete with the suggestive sound of tricking water that played in the background all along.
Baseline: In the mad city of Brussels, be sure to not miss; come along to find it, before they steal the Manneken Pis. 
Manneken Pis

Manneken Pis

An integrated ad campaign that helped new tourists elevate the prominence of Manneken Pis and enjoy its unique humor.
