Agali- Comes from the word "agalia" in Greek "αγκαλιά" and it means "hug"
Do you remember your childhood? If not, you have to try because it is still a source of inspiration. Toys in 80's/ 90's where so simple but at the same time fun to have. That means that they were designed very clever to influence the children's behavior.
One of those examples was the slap bracelets, an extremely addictive item and at the same time a piece of elegance for the little ladies.
That was the inspiration for Agali , an eyeglasses case that hugs the glasses, using the dynamic force stored in the two steel bistable springs. The grip is strong enough to hold the glasses even when there are aggressive movements.
For the making of the prototype, it was used parts of slap bracelets attached in a 3D Printed base. The base was designed in a way that it can be produced with injection molding in the future. The wooden part ads more stiffness to the case and also protect the glasses from minor bandings
Agali-Glasses Case


Agali-Glasses Case

Glasses case
