Magazine Design
Various articles were used to create a magazine layout. Two covers were created for each large and small feature article. The use of typographic hierarchy creates a visual road map for the reader. The design elements of alignment, grouping, space, are also used. Rhythm and repetition can be seen between the table of contents  and the department spread. Color is used to guide you through the large feature article.
Magazine Cover
Magazine Table of Contents
Magazine Department Spread
Magazine Large Article Spread One
Magazine Large Article Spread Two
Magazine Large Article Spread Three
Magazine Large Article Spread Four
Magazine Small Article Spread
Magazine Alternate Cover on back
Magazine Design
For this project I created a magazine design that included two magazine covers (One highlighting each of the feature articles). The contents of the magazine included complete feature articles (a long article and a short article that was provided). A department spread with contents found online and a table of contents spread. The font of my choice and images to include caption treatment.
I used Adobe InDesign and the fonts used were Merriweather, and Acumin Pro Wide for the cover. The contents page was Acumin Pro and Acumin Pro Condensed. The department spread used Acumin Pro and FreightTextPro. For the feature articles I used Acumin Pro for the title, straplines, pull quotes and block quotes and Capitolium2 for the body copy. Varying weights of each of the fonts were used to create a diverse type texture.
Adobe Illustrator was used to create the numbers and twitter logo for the large article.
To create the numbers I typed in the number, created outlines and then readjusted the anchor points to create the number desired for the space. For the small article I drew a pencil, scanned it and placed it into the document. I created a caption for each of the photos found in the magazine.
Close attention was given to alignment for the columns in the body copy as well as the entire magazine layout. The different font sizes and weights created the hierarchy throughout the design.

Magazine Design
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