Profil von Bruno MenonProfil von Rafaela Teixeira

Writing Our Rights

Writing Our Rights - The empowement workbook

Pereira & O'Dell, an renowned agency from San Francisco, invited us to create the illustrations for the project they were working on for their client, Ignite: a workbook to help young girls develop their political ambition while they develop their handwrinting.
The writing workbook wasn’t filled with cute rhymes or silly expressions. Instead, girls would find words from 10 of the most iconic female politicians in American history. Copying them can teach more than handwriting. It can teach girls that they are powerful and capable of becoming leaders.

Client: Ignite
Creatives: Estefânio Holtz and André Bittar
Illustrators: Rafaela Teixeira and Bruno Menon
Cannes Lions 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Design - Gold  
Cannes Lions 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Design - Bronze  
Cannes Lions 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Design - Product - Bronze  
Cannes Lions 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Glass - Shortlisted  
Cannes Lions 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - PR - Shortlisted  
Cannes Lions 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Grand Prix For Good - Shortlisted  
D&AD 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Impact - Wood  
Clio Awards 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Out Of Home - Bronze  
Communication Arts 2017 - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Award of Excellence 
Adweek Project Isaac - IGNITE Writing Our Rights Book - Award of Excellence  

Writing Our Rights