Zown is a result of an experiment - find a new form of world clock. 
At the early stage, I find out that most timezones only have a time difference at hour level. So I came up with a solution of round clock face and multiple pointers
But consider of some particular timezones like time zone of Kathmandu and New Delhi, it will be hard to distinguish these time zones on a round clock face.

Soon I came up with a column design. It will fit rectangular mobile devices screen quite well. To prevent duplication of same numbers, I put the hour number and the minute number in two rows and combined duplicate ones. Then I use vertical lines to divide combined numbers.
Since this design uses a table structure, I was able to deliver information in two dimensions rather than one. Considering the fundamental concept of time zone differences. I use the horizontal axis to represent earth equator. Also, to give the user the feeling that a mini earth is spinning under fingertip, infinite scroll in the horizontal direction is applied.
Naturally, I then use the vertical axis for the timeline of 00:00 to 24:00. At this point, I have to find a unique 'pointer' to give the user a sense of what time that city is.

Luckily, in another canceled weather app project, I tried to move the weather icon in the vertical direction to represent time change in a day, which I can use in this project.

To find a proper visual style, I tried several palettes and finally settled with very dark gray, white and yellow. I also developed a unified weather icon system using very basic geometry shapes.
This icon system design is widely influenced by Google Now weather icons. To create some difference, I added a half-transparent bold gray circle to give the solid sun shape a new feel.
For the icons with lightning, I abandoned the traditional 'stick' shape. Instead, I decided to use a bold yellow line in the cloud. 
After creating detail page for some additional information, zown is now fully functional as a useful time zone and weather utility. You can find this app in App Store now.
Thanks for join me on this journey.
Zown for iOS



Zown for iOS
