Coke’s “Taste the feeling” focuses on small acts that create big moments. The concept of “a message in a bottle” shows how small acts of kindness can create positive feelings and happy reactions from people. It shows the moment exchanged between two people, a small action that is refreshing and could a make someone’s day a whole lot better. The Coca-Cola brand wants to show that the brand has great taste and uplifting refreshment. Positive messages to people are uplifting and visualise the uplifting feeling that one experiences when drinking a coke. The refreshing moment of being seen in a positive way by someone you expect or did not expect it from.
There must be a clear information Hierarchy. The message bubbles create a hierarchy of the information within the design, the coke red used in the bubble maintains the coke colour scheme while introducing a difference between the copies of text within the video. The brand focuses on authenticity. The imagery needs to feel authentic and genuine. The footage I have used was not staged, it was real reactions to real compliments. 

The coke red must always be a dominant colour within designs, in the design the background and text boxes are Coke Red, creating a clear Coca-Cola brand association. The white is used to empower the Coke Red communications. The Coke red enhances the story being told. An accessory used in the Coca-Cola brand guidelines is Sms’s. The design uses Sms’s as a tool for visualising the message.The design depicts positive imagery and focuses on their uplifting facial expressions which maintain the Coca-Cola brand. The scene is not staged. The reactions are genuine aiding to the authenticity of Coke.

Student project - Capture the slogan of the current Coca-Cola campaign - Taste the feeling. Coca-Cola reserves all rights to their logo and slogan that is being used in this project. This is a hypothetical project and is in no way officially associated with the Coca-Cola brand. The song in the video remains the property of the Coca-Cola campaign and the artist. This video will also not be monetized in any form.
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Capture The Feeling

Capture The Feeling
