Homo Technologicus is a visual commentary based on the use of digital technology and the integration of it in our lives in the future. Over time, as people make changes to their lifestyles and habits, a change is reflected in the environment and also in themselves. We are already seeing signs of the negative impact of technology on our bodies today. The overuse and increased dependency on technology is causing harm to our bodies in more ways than one and this satirical book is an attempt to jar and startle the audience by taking you through some of the possibilities*.

Today, digital technology plays a huge role in making our lives more exciting and efficient. It is a great equalizer and is constantly progressing. At the rate that technology and people’s dependency on it are growing, we are bound to discover the side effects of over-using it in the generations to come.

This project was done as a part of final year at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology
*all possibilities are based on my research, juxtaposed with my imagination

Homo Technologicus
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Homo Technologicus

Homo Technologicus is a satirical visual commentary on the overuse of technology in today's world and the possible implications it may have on hu Daha Fazla Bilgi

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