Julia Gore-Koenig's profile

"A Clockwork Orange" book cover

I chose the novel «A clockwork orange» written by Anthony Burguess. The plot treats about a thug band, lead by Alex Delarge. It treats about rape, violence, robbery... until their boss will be kidnapped and will be punished by his acts.
I chose this book for its anti-hero, and because the way the author represents his madness and his strange love for violence is very interesting.
I wanted to highlight the madness of the main character, but also to keep the elegance of Alex. Moreover, even if the book is appeared in the 60s,  I wanted to give it a modern, contemporary mood, by playing with the typography, something like experimental and new. I also keep the orange color to represent the title «A clockwork orange», as a visual identity and a strong color full of impact for those who look at it.
"A Clockwork Orange" book cover

"A Clockwork Orange" book cover

My own interpretation of the famous novel "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burguess. A work based on experimental typography, when letters mean de Read More
