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Lo Que Mi Abuela Me Dijo

What My Grandmother Told Me
Illustrations for a bilingual book of proverbs, published in September 2014 by Philippine American children's publisher Tahanan Books. The illustrations help to tell the story of a young girl living with her grandmother, who uses old Spanish proverbs as a manual for life, manners and maturity.
El arbol que crece torcido nunca su rama se endureze.
You cannot straighten the trunk of a crooked tree.
Nunca digas de este vaso no bebere.
Never say you will not drink from this glass.
Le obligacion antes de la devocion.
Attend to your duties first, then do as you please.
Mono vestido de seda, mono se queda.
A monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey.
Lo que es moda no incomoda.
What is in fashion always has a following.
La amistad hace lo que la sangre no hace.
Friendship binds us more than blood ties.
Querer es poder.
If you want to, you can do it.
Con su pan se lo coma.
Let him eat his own bread.
Antes de hacer nada, consultado con la almohada.
Before doing anything, consult your pillow.
Del arbol caído todos hacen leña.
Everyone makes firewood out of a fallen tree.
Dios aprieta pero no ahoga.
God squeezes but does not choke.
De tal palo, tal astilla.
From the same log, you get the same splinter. (English idiom: A chip off the old block.)
Casamiento y mortaja del cielo baja.
Marrige and death both come from heaven.
Amor con amor se paga.
Love is repaid with love.
Lo Que Mi Abuela Me Dijo

Lo Que Mi Abuela Me Dijo

Children's book illustrations of Spanish proverbs for publisher Tahanan Books
