Hiné Mizushima's profile

The Anatomy of Deep Water Clam (pink)

One of the three new pieces, The Anatomy of Deep Water Clam (pink), for Stitched 2, a group soft sculpture exhibition, at Clutter Gallery in NY.
Curated by Lana Crooks and Melissa Sue Stanley.
(sold out)

ソフトスカルプチュア系グループ展「Stitched 2」用の作品3点の内のひとつ「桃五目貝の解剖模型」(幅23cm)。
 5月13日ー6月2日までNYのClutter Galleryで展示販売(ソールドアウト)。

Some large art prints, mug, clock, phone cases, etc. are available on my Society6 shop!
Some large art prints, mug, clock, phone cases, etc. are available on my Society6 shop!
She didn't like it... She avoided eye contact with it...
Thank you!

The Anatomy of Deep Water Clam (pink)

The Anatomy of Deep Water Clam (pink)
