Let's make beef tri-tips more profitable!
This new brand was constructed from the ground up. Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc. wanted to establish a new pre-seasoned beef and pork line. Once their objective was defined, consumer research was conducted guiding the naming and direction for the logo. The new Backyard Flavors® brand wanted to carry “just off the grill” taste to your retail meat case. Thus, I created consumer friendly-packaging and in-store point of sale materials, which brought product awareness. The outcomes were fantastic! The first production batch sold out and the line continues to grow daily with new retail consumers.
Logos I created with three different names that were tested in consumer research
Final Logo that was chosen
B2B sell sheets
In-store point-of-sale & coupon
Print and online advertising
Backyard Flavors
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Backyard Flavors

New product launch including logo, advertising, packaging and sell sheets

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